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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mathews

Sword and shield

Brave teenagers in dangerous times, when foreign invasions threaten England. No, not the fantasies of young Brexiters, but 1066, with Edwin, trained to fight and passionately loyal to King and country, and Rowena, risking all by fleeing a forced marriage.

Recently shortlisted for the Wells Festival of Literature Children’s Story Competition, Pat Robson’s novel Saxon Shield, Norman Sword takes you on a journey through a turbulent country and to the battles north and south that changed everything. If you’re really sharp, you might catch Pat’s session at Waterstone’s in Bath on 20 October. If not, you can find her at Widcombe Craft Fair on 18 and 19 November at St Matthew's, Widcombe in Bath. By the cakes, she tells me. Always the best place.

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